Heartburn in Pregnancy post is in conjunction with Rennie, but all thoughts are my own. Rennie Liquid Heartburn Relief Oral Suspension is available nationwide. Always read the label. Medicines can affect the unborn baby. Always talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking any medicine in pregnancy.

Like many women in their 40s I occasionally say things like, “Well, in theory I could still have another baby.”
Then I laugh to myself and pour another glass of wine.
I was not one of those women who loved being pregnant. I categorically did not glow.
It goes without saying I was thrilled to be growing a new life. But if the universe had offered me an express ticket to make my pregnancy go at triple speed, I’d have taken it in a heartbeat.
Let’s face it, pregnancy is filled with a hundred different ways to make you feel uncomfortable and awkward.
Uncomfortable Moments
Like that moment in the third trimester when you realise – just a moment too late – that you’re not going to be able to squeeze between those two cars in the car park.
Or the way your partner gently mentions that you’ve started snoring. And then proceeds to play you a recording they made on their phone. Yes, I did throw something at him. No, I’m not (that) sorry I missed.
Then there’s the day I had a meltdown in the middle of Brighton because my feet had swollen so much that I was reduced to buying a pair of men’s sandals in a size 9, because none of my lovely size 5 sandals came close to fitting me.
Oh! the Heartburn
Once I got to about six months pregnant, I struggled to sleep. I was constantly hot, and my hips ached. I snored like a freight train (apparently). And I developed a wicked case of acid reflux, that would frequently wake me from my slumber.
For me, the best solution was prevention. I found I was less likely to have heartburn if we ate our main meal at lunchtime, and I tried not to eat after 6pm. We also found that if I slept propped up on a couple of extra pillows, I had less heartburn AND there was a bit less snoring.
I also took plenty of antacids if I’d been foolish enough to eat something spicy or too late in the evening. They neutralise the acid in your stomach, reducing the risk of nasty heartburn.
Rennie is probably one of the UK’s best-known heartburn and indigestion remedy brand. Did you know it’s now available in a liquid form and suitable for use if you have heartburn in pregnancy and breastfeeding?*
It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re enjoying the special treat that is heartburn in pregnancy. Do be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medicines, though.
If you’re struggling with heartburn in pregnancy or any other issues, please, please know you’re not alone. Struggling with the side-effects of pregnancy doesn’t mean you don’t feel blessed to be pregnant.
The good news is that for every negative side-effect of pregnancy there’s a good moment to balance it out.
So yes, your bras these days could probably act as a parachute in an airplane-related emergency. But then there’s that moment the doctor holds your hand and points out your baby’s heartbeat on the monitor. And everything – the bras, the snoring, the heartburn and even getting stuck between vehicles – is worth it.
Omg! Mothers are the bravest people on Earth.